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Linkedin profile tips for job seekers
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Attention Job Seekers! Here are the Tips That Will Boost Your LinkedIn Profile…

Selling the employee in you had many forms in the earlier days like sending a resume through mails, referential mails, gate hiring, campus drives, and other recruitment methods. Now, things have taken a positive turn in the way people hunt jobs. The companies also adore this new way of assessing their prospective employees. This new technique is what we call professional networking and LinkedIn is the most stable portico in this network so far.

LinkedIn has been in effect from the year 2003. A professional networking site by nature, LinkedIn possess every chattels of a social media platform and this is making it very dearly for the users, be it the employers posting jobs or job seekers posting their CVs. But simply posting your CVs doesn’t make you eligible to be in the perusal of the employers. You have to make your LinkedIn profile look catchy so that it makes a good appeal in front of your employers. In this article we are discussing certain tips to make your LinkedIn profile look best and make thing better in your quest for job.

Rule #1: Optimize Your Profile

In LinkedIn, your profile is the first check post that your employers scrutinize. Take your time, fill in the entire fields, avoid long sentences, keep things short and sweet and for goodness sake avoid using funky photos as your display picture!

‘‘Well begun is half done’ applies to your LinkedIn profile too. Take your time and seal all the fields with rightful information. The main points to keep in your mind while entering your profile details are:

  • Dedicate enough time to fill in all the fields and make it look stronger. LinkedIn sends you reminders about filling all the necessary fields so that employers find your profile impressive.
  • Broadcast your profile with a custom URL as follows:
  • Select Edit Profile
  • At the bottom of the page, you will find Public Profile URL
  • Click Edit
  • Specify what your address should be.  (for e.g. linkedin.com/your name)
  • Finally select Set Custom URL
  • Choose a pleasant and professional photo for your display picture. Avoid using funky photos in a professional networking platform like LinkedIn.
  • The headline has to be crisp like a one-liner to show your identity, an abstract about section that does not go for long statements. It is always better to think out of the box!
  • The job descriptions should have target words all along with the summary and the experience part. The summary space should be 3-5 short paragraphs long that enlist your passions, key skills, qualifications, and experience.

Rule #2: Make Your Profile a Strategic One

  • Write up the best about you keeping in mind the target audiences who will go through your descriptions. LinkedIn is an interactive network and proper branding of the employee in you through the LinkedIn profile alone can kick-start the interaction between you and your employer. Try to be earnest and convivial!
  • Show your achievements like you display your trophies and medals on a showcase.
  • Use pictorial illustrations instead of words and LinkedIn supports the usage of multimedia to your profile.
  • Never restrain from illustrating your work experience and projects you have worked on. Additionally, other profile features are to be included like volunteer experiences and languages you are familiar with.

Rule #3: Making Recommendations

It is understood that LinkedIn is a symbiotic platform and every user is partaking in this support system. When someone appreciates your task, ask them to paste a snapshot of that recommendation on LinkedIn. If you plan things in a strategic mode, you can ask different people to provide testimonials on particular skills and experiences that you wish to highlight in your profile. You have to filter the recommendations that best fit your profile. Not every recommendation shall be worth sharing and to Show or Hide (from the Edit button) the recommendations in your account are purely under your discretion.

Rule #4: Always Update Your Profile

Update your status very often. Share an article you prepared weekly. Your profile will draw attention if you share your quality articles and professional viewpoints on the LinkedIn platform.

If you are a blogger, plugin (such as Social Media Auto Publish) will automatically publish your new posts on LinkedIn. Make sure that you have at least 50 connections or else your profile will not have much effective target audience attention. While expanding your connection network, do not add anyone you don’t know or you don’t feel good about.

Rule #5: Know About LinkedIn’s Privacy

LinkedIn’s privacy standards are in such a way that things are obvious for your current employer. Let your boss not know that you are looking for a new job and this is why we recommend that you hide your activities in the privacy setting.

However, if you want your profile to be found by employers, make sure to add the mail address and other contact information in the section provided in your LinkedIn profile.


Make sure that you make your LinkedIn profile look fervent and live by following the rules listed. Be the ‘desire’ of your employers by making a perfect LinkedIn identity!

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