Artificial intelligence has the ability to spot a face in a huge crowd with great accuracy, but when it is set in front of a larger cluster of images it does not have the ability to outperform. The biometric system has become a part of our daily lives in order to carry out our works. The face recognition technology has emerged as a solution for present-day needs for identification and verification of identity claims. Beating the fingerprint readers and eye scanners the face recognition technology analyze the characteristics of person’s face images captured using a video camera. This method has no delays and leaves the subject entirely unaware of the process.
Several factors limit the effectiveness of facial-recognition technology:
The relative angle of the target’s face
The camera angle has a strong influence in processing a face. When a face in enrolled in a recognition software it will need multiple angles, including profile, frontal, 45 degree and more, to ensure the most accurate resulting matches. The more direct the image and the higher its resolution, the higher the score of any resulting matches.
Data storage and processing
Even though the HD video is of low resolution when compared to digital camera images, it occupies huge amount of disk space. For facial recognition systems to be more efficient they only process 10 to 25% of the videos. In order to combat and minimize processing time companies use cluster of computers. Until any further advancement in technology this obstacle will remain.
Summing it up, every new facial recognition technology represents huge perspectives and promises for the future evolution. Clearly, privacy concerns surround this technology and its use. In a couple of years systems will have the ability to process gestures, expressions, palm & ear prints, voice and scent signatures.